home calendar with dates and yellow sharpened pencil
Santa Fe Public Schools Logo
Milagro students make art at the Georgia O’Keeffe  Museum
Spanish Spelling Bee Winners posing with the certificates and awards
Milagro Logo
Milagro students creating laser guitars
Milagro Choir Performance at MPA
Milagro's Spanish Spelling Bee Winners
The Santa Fe Breaking Academy
Labyrinth design
Mary Maurice's Typewriter
Monoprint Valentine made in Grace Mayer's class
Nyibol Bior
A 3d prototype for a robotic Hummingbird
Milagro Thunder revised schedule
A Milagro 8th grade student follows the path within the refrigerator.
Patricia Crespin conducts a playwriting workshop at Milagro
Milagro 8th grader, Miranda Pena takes 4th in regional wrestling  tournament
AVID students use the Socratic method of questioning